Corporate Installation
Brosix provides you with different options for installation in a corporate environment. These help your team stay connected in a way that meets their specific needs.
Install Brosix in a Corporate Environment
Brosix is designed to work for different corporate IT setups. The Brosix setup package for Windows has special options for corporate use.
Brosix Advanced Setup – for cases when several people share one Windows computer.
Brosix Network Install – for teams or groups who start Brosix on the same shared network.
With these different options Brosix gives you the flexibility to install its program in a way that makes the most sense for your team
Brosix Advanced Setup
The default Brosix setup installs Brosix in the user’s Windows home folder. This is done to allow installation for users without administrator rights on their Windows devices.

However, in a corporate environment it is common practice for several users to share a Windows device. For example, Windows in Citrix, Windows via Remote Desktop Connection or Windows Terminal Services. In these cases it is preferable to install Brosix in one common place where all Windows users can access it. This can be done through Brosix Advanced Setup.

Brosix Advanced Setup runs in administrator mode on the Windows device, and installs Brosix in “Program Files”. During the installation you have the option to change the installation folder. Windows user accounts have limited access rights, meaning they’ll be able to use the common Brosix installation, but won’t be able to update this installation to a new version of Brosix.
To allow automatic updates, Brosix Advanced Setup installs a special service that updates Brosix when a new version is available, even if all users have limited access rights. This eliminates the need for system administration for Brosix in a corporate environment.
You can find detailed instructions for Brosix Advanced Setup here
Brosix Network Install

Brosix Network Setup is intended for teams or groups that place Brosix on a network share, from which users activate the program. Each user configuration and all data will be stored on the user’s local computer.
The network share should have “Read-Only” visibility in the network. This makes it simple for the system administrator to update the Brosix corporate messenger software when a new version is available, and keeps all user data secure.
You can find detailed instructions Brosix Network Install here