Brosix improves productivity and communication

Learn how Brosix helped organizations of all sizes increased their productivity and reduce operational costs.

“We have full control who uses the system and can isolate individual users for privacy.”

“What’s also great about Brosix is the MAC & PC compatible client interface, as well as web based.”

“There was hardly any challenge in Brosix implementation. In fact we did it like a breeze!”

“Brosix has certainly doubled our productivity!”

“Brosix is easy to use and to install and set up…”

“Since switching to Brosix, our support costs down by 8% and our programming costs have also decreased by 5%.”

"Screen sharing is AWESOME! Easy to start or stop, easy to use!"

"Remote Screen control is DOUBLY AWESOME! This alone makes Brosix
a valuable tool for remote support of my Linux users!"

“Brosix just encrypts everything right out of the box without complicated
configuration which only confuses less knowledgeable users.”

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