Brosix Corporate Identity Guidelines
Definition of Brosix Logo
The Brosix corporate logo is a representation of the company and its product to the world. It is a valuable corporate asset that must be used consistently in the proper, approved forms. Logo in its various formats is a separate package, available for download. The current document represents its use in different environments.
Usage and Variations
1. Standard logo

2. Alternative logo

3.Standard logo 3D

4.Standard logo 2D

5. Mono color logo – for dark background

6. Mono color logo – for light background

Using Only the B Sign Without the Name Brosix and the Tag Line

The B sign in a proportional circle is used in cases with limited space as web, mobile, or desktop application icons.
Typography: Corporate Typefaces
The Brosix logo and its attachments are using specific font. Font name: Bank Gothic Md BT, TrueType Outlines